Removing Life Support

On Monday morning of this week, I received a call from my wife who said that my sixty-seven year old mother had collapsed at home and was in the hospital.  Mom had been immediately intubated and placed on a ventilator by the EMS crew before she was transported to the hospital.  Upon my arrival at…

Addressing Rosenberg’s Argument from Evil

This article will address the exchange between Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. Alex Rosenberg on the subject of the Argument from Evil which occurred during their February 2, 2013 debate: Is Faith in God Reasonable? In particular, the article will offer apologetic approaches in response to Rosenberg that differ somewhat from those of Craig. …

Précis on the Ontological Argument

In his book, Reasonable Faith, Dr. William Lane Craig lays out the Ontological Argument for the Existence of God. The argument was first formulated by Anselm in the 11th century, and it has been defended by Descartes and Plantinga, among others. It was born out of Anslem’s search for an argument that would not only prove…

Book Review: Cold Case Christianity, by J. Warner Wallace

A Short Analytical Summary and Critique of the Book Cold Case Christianity, by J. Warner Wallace Cold Case Christianity was written by cold case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace. His purpose was to train and motivate Christians to defend the Gospels by applying the rules of evidence used in investigating cold case homicides. His further…

Wrestling with Sexual Orientation

You are counseling a college student in your church who has come to you very privately with ambiguity about his sexual orientation. He doesn’t understand why it is difficult for him to sustain interest in opposite sex relationships, and he thinks he might be gay, but he is not sure. He wants to know what…

Understanding Evil

Just as darkness is defined in regards to the absence of light, so Christian thought has often defined evil as the absence of good; or to use Augustine’s (354-430) words, the privation of good (privatio boni). Evil then is what ought not to be, for evil is at the least unpleasant (as in a rotten…

Précis on Tactics, by Greg Koukl: Columbo

The Columbo Tactic, as described in chapters 3-5 of the above titled book, is a conversational method of engaging non-Christians in apologetic dialogue.  It is titled after the 70s television sleuth and homicide detective, Lt. Frank Columbo.  The tactic makes use of the television character’s signature style of investigation: asking questions, while appearing quite incapable…

C. S. Lewis on the Moral Argument for the Existence of God

Human beings hold in common a universal sense of morality which can be used as a logical argument against atheism. The purpose of this article is to explore the moral argument for the existence of God from the perspective of C. S. Lewis.  Lewis’s version of the moral argument tends to focus more on the…

The Existence and Immortality of the Soul

This article will argue for the reasonableness of the doctrine of the existence and the immortality of the soul.  It will begin with a discussion of the nature of souls and immortality. It will briefly explore the ancient Greek and modern Christian concepts of the immortality of the soul.  It will examine two types of compelling…