Is Genesis Allegory?

A Polemic for the Church “Avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and strife and disputes about the Law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.” (Titus 3:9 NASB) It only hinders the Gospel to become entangled in such matters as non-essential Christian doctrine. At the same time, there are some non-essential Christian doctrines that, though truly non-essential,…

An Introduction to Old Testament Christological Typology

The Christological Witness of the Old Testament Then, beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures. Luke 24:47 Shortly after His resurrection, Jesus met two of his disciples traveling on the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus.  He engaged them in a unique and…

Jesus in Islam’s Quran?

Introduction: The purpose of this article will be to discuss the presentation of Jesus Christ in Islam’s holy book, the Quran, to compare the Quran’s depiction of Christ with the Bible, and then to argue in defense of the biblical view of Christ, with particular emphasis on His deity and post-death resurrection.  The Quran teaches…

Defending Capital Punishment

Introduction For decades, capital punishment has been a hotly debated topic in the United States. There are numerous ethical considerations surrounding the issue, which this article will explore.  The objective of this article will be to provide the reader with the basic current facts on capital punishment in the United States, to consider the biblical…

Removing Life Support

On Monday morning of this week, I received a call from my wife who said that my sixty-seven year old mother had collapsed at home and was in the hospital.  Mom had been immediately intubated and placed on a ventilator by the EMS crew before she was transported to the hospital.  Upon my arrival at…

Addressing Rosenberg’s Argument from Evil

This article will address the exchange between Dr. William Lane Craig and Dr. Alex Rosenberg on the subject of the Argument from Evil which occurred during their February 2, 2013 debate: Is Faith in God Reasonable? In particular, the article will offer apologetic approaches in response to Rosenberg that differ somewhat from those of Craig. …

Précis on the Ontological Argument

In his book, Reasonable Faith, Dr. William Lane Craig lays out the Ontological Argument for the Existence of God. The argument was first formulated by Anselm in the 11th century, and it has been defended by Descartes and Plantinga, among others. It was born out of Anslem’s search for an argument that would not only prove…

Book Review: Cold Case Christianity, by J. Warner Wallace

A Short Analytical Summary and Critique of the Book Cold Case Christianity, by J. Warner Wallace Cold Case Christianity was written by cold case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace. His purpose was to train and motivate Christians to defend the Gospels by applying the rules of evidence used in investigating cold case homicides. His further…