How Can I Have Joy in Heaven When my Loved Ones are in Hell?

There are 3 responses to this question: First, we are not more merciful than God, are we? When we ask this question, we are really questioning God’s mercy. We are suggesting that we are more merciful than God. We indict God and place ourselves in the judgment seat against him. But, the Bible presents this…

What is Limbo?

Limbo is a now defunct doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. It was abandoned by the current Pope, Benedict 16th on April 20, 2007 (Catholic News Service). The false belief, which was held by Catholics since the middle ages, was the basic concept that just or innocent people who died prior to baptism (infants, for…

Where Exactly is Hell?

In ancient Israel, on the Day of Atonement, the High Priest made a sin offering of a bull and a goat. God instructed the priests that the carcasses of the bull and the goat were to be burned outside the camp of Israel. The reason for this was that spiritually speaking, the sins of the…

Analyzing False Arguments

One must be careful not to readily accept the premises and hypothesis of a given argument without first carefully scrutinizing each component of the argument for form and validity. Consider the following apparent conundrum: Three travelers go into a hotel together and ask to rent a single room for the night for the three of…

Book Review: Sacred Parenting, by Gary L. Thomas

Thomas, Gary L. Sacred Parenting. Zondervan: Grand Rapids, 2004. 231 pp. $13.99 Introduction Gary L. Thomas has written numerous books and articles for Christian publications on the subject of family life and Christian living, is a frequent guest on the Focus on the Family and Family Life radio broadcasts, and teaches at Western Seminary in…

Book Review: Sacred Marriage, by Gary L. Thomas

Thomas, Gary L. Sacred Marriage. Zondervan: Grand Rapids, 2000. 299 pp. $14.99 Introduction Gary L. Thomas has written numerous books and articles for Christian publications on the subject of family life and Christian living, is a frequent guest on the Focus on the Family and Family Life radio broadcasts, and teaches at Western Seminary in…