The Sin of Ham: A Fresh Exegetical Approach to Genesis 9

GENESIS 9:20-27 “Noah became a tiller of the ground and planted a vineyard. He drank of the wine and became drunk, and uncovered himself inside her tent. Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside. But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon…

A Summary of J. Oswald Sanders’ Spiritual Leadership

CHAPTER 1: AN HONORABLE AMBITION Summary In chapter one of this book, the author introduces the notion that the ambition to lead can be either noble or self-serving and that one should guard against the latter (pp. 14-15). Motives in leadership can either limit or enhance the results to be produced in ministry. Ultimately, the…

Saint Bonaventure: History and Thought

Bonaventure’s Early Life There is little information concerning the early life of Saint Bonaventure. Though accounts differ on the exact year, he was born Giovanni di Fidanza in Bagnoregio, Italy, near Rome, probably around 1217. [1] His father, Giovanni di Fidanza, was a physician. [2] His mother was Maria Ritella. [3] Bonaventure received the cognomen…

A Critical Analysis of Augustine’s Confessions

INTRODUCTION Saint Augustine, in his book, The Confessions, presents to God the confession of his life of sins, and in so doing, also presents to the reader his profound insights into biblical doctrine, creation, human nature, divine nature and the relationship between man and his Creator.  Though written around A. D. 397, the book is…

Book Review of Selected Chapters: Listening to the Past: The Place of Tradition in Theology, by Stephen R. Holmes

INTRODUCTION Stephen R. Holmes in his book, Listening to the Past: The Place of Tradition in Theology, seeks to convince the reader of his proposition that tradition (more or less defined by him as the generally accepted theological declarations, arguments, conclusions, and creeds of earlier Christian intellectuals) should be considered authoritative in some way.  He…

Small Church Pastoral Ethics

Relationship with the Family Spouse – The pastor’s relationship with his wife is his primary earthly relationship and should take precedence over all other earthly relationships. He should love his wife sacrificially, as Christ loved the church. Their marriage relationship should be nurtured and guarded vigorously. The pastor must remember that he and his wife…