Book Review: Encountering the Book of Psalms: A Literary and Theological Introduction, by C. Hassell Bullock

INTRODUCTION “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints (Psalm 116:15).” The Purpose of This Article This article will present a critical review of C. Hassell Bullock’s Encountering the Book of Psalms: A Literary and Theological Introduction. In addressing its subject, this article will provide brief biographical information about the…

The Place of Christian Education in the Ministry of the Church

The church as God’s agency on earth has a two-fold ministry which is focused externally. Its first ministry is to itself, the equipping of the saints. Its second ministry is to the lost world, making disciples of all nations. It must first successfully equip the saints before it can successfully make disciples of the nations.…

Gleanings from Discipleshape: 12 Weeks to Spiritual Fitness by Dan R. Crawford, Spiritual Leadership: Responding to God’s Call by J. Oswald Sanders and Preparing for Christian Ministry: An Evangelical Approach by David P. Gushee and Walter C. Jackson, Editors

INTRODUCTION This is article presents gleanings from three books: Discipleshape: 12 Weeks to Spiritual Fitness by Dan R. Crawford, Spiritual Leadership: Responding to God’s Call by J. Oswald Sanders and Preparing for Christian Ministry: An Evangelical Approach by David P. Gushee and Walter C. Jackson, editors. Each of the three books was quite different and each…

Judging the Acts of God

To consider an act of God (or a failure to prevent some occurrence) as evil, the perspective of the person making such a judgment about God must be taken into account. Let me illustrate the point this way: One day, a friend of mine and I attended a Bible study. In the administration of the Bible…

Gleanings from the Pastoral Epistles

Compare and contrast the background matters of 1 Timothy to 2 Timothy. Include situations of writer and recipients, purpose, location, etc. COMPARE: There are a number of similarities between 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy; for example, Paul establishes his apostleship in the first verse of both letters. In both letters, Paul also refers to Timothy…

My Personal Call to Ministry

When I first started to sense the Lord’s calling upon my life, I was fearful.  I shrugged it off, downplayed it and generally ignored it.  Soon, though, I couldn’t get the thought of serving in ministry out of my head.  I began to discuss a possible call with my wife.  It seemed plausible, but neither…

Improving van Inwagen’s Theodicy

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this article is twofold.  It will first consider some aspects of the question, If there is a God, why would He allow evil, pain and suffering?  Second, in response to this question, this article will offer a slightly modified version of the free-will theodicy presented by Peter van Inwagen in Philosophy…

Book Review: Morality: Religious and Secular, by Patrick Nowell-Smith

INTRODUCTION The Purpose of This Article This article will offer, from a distinctly Christian perspective, a critique of Patrick Nowell-Smith’s work, “Morality: Religious and Secular.” This article will show that Nowell-Smith has developed, or at least has drawn from other sources so developed, a theory about Christian morality which belies his a) basic lack of…

The Role of Women in Church Leadership

INTRODUCTION All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.[1] This article intends to clarify and uphold the Bible’s restrictions on the role of women in church leadership. Thus,…