Tonight! live at 8pm (CST) via ZOOM.
We can do Q&A, too, tonight
if anyone has a question or something to discuss.
Lots of folks have no power, internet, water, or heat tonight. We will take prayer requests and pray together, and then we can chat if anyone has a question or topic.
Click here to join the event online.
Remember, you can join by phone, if you don’t have internet or electricity. The dial-in number is 346-248-7799. We will resume our study in Hebrews next Monday night. I hope this works for everyone.
Got a Bible question? Email Noel at
He’ll answer your question tonight!
Meeting ID: 827 641 3302 (new starting this week)
Password: JesusSaves (if requested by the system)
Please Note: It is recommended that participants conduct a “test login” immediately upon receipt of this message, or well in advance of the start of the study to identify any access issues. Once the study begins, we cannot offer login assistance. If unable to access online, use the Dial-In by Phone Option: 346-248-7799 (no video).
*To invite family or friends, just forward this email message.